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Written by

Q.F. Nayibe Cubillos Morales


Medically Reviewed by

Dr. Gustavo Assatourians D.D.S

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Dental pain usually appears very quickly; many times there is no warning while other times it appears in the form of sensitivity to cold or heat. Regardless of the case, natural home remedies to relieve toothache can be performed to alleviate pain while you schedule a dental office visit.

Types of Tooth Pain

effective home remedies to relieve toothache

Before you do anything, you should understand the types of pain you may experience:

Dull ache

This type of pain is not constant, nor pain as such; it is more the discomfort felt in the teeth but you cannot be identified where it is. Some causes of this type of pain are:

Food debris trapped between the teeth or gums

Teeth grinding (bruxism)

Dental abscess

If the pain is caused by food residue, it can be solved very easily: you simply have to practice good oral hygiene (brush and floss) and that will suffice. However, if the pain is associated with bruxism or dental abscesses, the dentist will recommend some type of treatment.

Sharp pain

This type of pain is of immediate presentation and generally requires emergency assistance at a dental office. The possible causes of this type of pain are:

Exposed cavities (dislodged dental fillings)

Tooth fracture


Tooth Sensitivity

This type of pain is not constant, as it is only felt when very cold, very hot, or acidic drinks or food are consumed. To treat this type of pain, the use of specific toothpastes for dental sensitivity is recommended.

However, if the sensitivity is persistent, the origin may be due to:

Caries, in their early stages

Tooth fracture

Misfit dental fillings

Exposed tooth root

Gum disease (gingivitis and/or periodontitis)

Throbbing or throbbing pain

This type of pain is usually very annoying, and almost unbearable. At this point, it is best to consult an emergency dentist. If possible, treatment should be given immediately. If you cannot go immediately, either due to proximity or schedule, you can apply some remedies at home.

Remember, these remedies offer temporary relief, but untreated tooth infections can cause serious health problems, including infection spread. Learn about symptoms in this article and prioritize prompt dental care.

Home Remedies to Relieve Toothache

Different remedies can be done at home to calm dental pain while you wait to visit a dental clinic. Before learning about them, it is important to remember that these types of remedies may be temporary and not definitive treatments. If the cause of the pain is not removed. it will persist.

1. Cold compresses

Compresses can reduce inflammation, inflammation generally occurs when there is an infection associated with the pain. The compress must be completely cold and held on the site of the inflammation. This is one of the most common and effectivehome remedies to relieve toothache fast.

girl is applying a cold compress

2. Warm compresses

For some people, heat provides comfort and pain relief; however, prolonged use of heat can increase or cause inflammation. Compresses can be made with hot water and a clean cloth: simply moisten the cloth and apply pressure to the location of the pain.

hot compress bag

3. Analgesic and anti-inflammatory drugs

Analgesic and anti-inflammatory medications are also good options to soothe dental pain: acetaminophen, ibuprofen, and naproxen are over-the-counter medications that act in the body, effectively relieving pain and reducing inflammation when it occurs.

analgesic and anti-inflammatory drugs

4. Salt-water rinse

Salt diluted in water helps clean the affected area by removing the food residue lodged in the teeth and gums, thereby providing temporary relief. Unfortunately, its effect does not last long; it may only be a few hours. This is one of the most common and effective home remedies to relieve toothache fast.

glass of water with salt

5. Clove oil

Clove oil has long been used for its anesthetic properties. Its main ingredient is eugenol, a natural antiseptic that helps clean the affected area. This oil can be found in health food stores at a modest cost.

clove oil

6. Analgesic gel

Analgesic gels are a pharmacological option and effective topical application to soothe pain. They are available in pharmacies to soothe pain while waiting to visit a dental office. Not that prolonged use can cause gum irritation, which can be painful. This is one of the most common and effective home remedies to relieve toothache fast.

7. Elevation

The accumulation of blood in the area of the head can increase the sensation of pain. To avoid it, you can elevate the head using 2 or 3 pillows for sleep. This technique is also used to avoid or reduce inflammation in postoperative processes, such as that of the third molars or wisdom teeth.

Other Alternative Treatments

garlic, vanilla extract, mint tea bags, tomillo

Other treatments can be used as alternatives if you have already tried others and have not found a solution. However, their use is not particularly effective or long-lasting:

1. Garlic

It is a natural ingredient with medicinal properties. Some people use it to regulate blood pressure; however, others use it to soothe dental pain. It should be crushed into a paste and then applied to the affected area. Garlic helps kill bacteria and helps numb the affected tooth, but its analgesic effect is not prolonged.

2. Vanilla extract

Vanilla extract contains alcohol, which will numb the affected area for a moment. It must be applied with a cotton swab to the affected tooth and gums.

3. Mint tea bags

Mint is a natural and refreshing way to get some relief: the first thing to do is prepare a cup of hot water, dip the bag in the water, and let it sit for a few minutes before removing the bag. When the bag is warm, place it on the affected area to provide relief and comfort.

4. Tomillo

This natural ingredient has multiple antibacterial and antioxidant properties. Dilute the essential oil with another less-dense oil and apply it to the affected area. You can also add a drop of oil to a glass of water and use it as a mouthwash.

When there is pain, people seek different ways to reduce pain like somehome remedies to relieve toothache.Although these tips can be done at home and help calm the pain a bit, they do not provide a definitive solution to the problem. Therefore, as soon as possible, get help from a professional dentist to find a definitive cure for the cause of the pain



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