Gum Diseases
Gum diseases: a common and dangerous pathology

Good oral health and a sense of well-being are essential for a happy and fulfilling life. However, many people suffer from dental problems that affect their self-esteem and overall health. Dental aesthetics is a specialty that aims to provide solutions for healthy teeth and an attractive appearance, thereby strengthening self-esteem and confidence. By focusing on the medical, anatomical, and biological characteristics of the person treated, dental aesthetics addresses preventive, therapeutic, and aesthetic aspects.
What are the different types of periodontal diseases?
There are several types of gum diseases, from the mildest forms, such as gingivitis, to the most serious pathologies, such as periodontitis, a condition that can lead to tooth loss.
Gingivitis is the most common form and is characterized by inflamed, red, and bleeding gums. If left untreated, it progresses to periodontitis, which is characterized by chronic inflammation of the gums, loss of bone, and the connective tissue that supports the teeth.
Periodontal diseases are the most frequent cause of tooth loss in the adult population.
The common symptoms of periodontal diseases are:
● Inflamed and red gums.
● Bad breath.
● Dental mobility and tooth loss.
● Gum recession and exposure of the roots of the teeth.
● Bleeding gums.
● Tooth sensitivity.
Periodontal pathologies are also related to other health conditions, such as cardiovascular disease, diabetes, pregnancy complications, rheumatoid arthritis, and medications that decrease saliva flow, such as antiretrovirals to treat HIV.
Effective treatments for periodontal diseases
Treatments for periodontal disease depend on its progression and can range from deep dental cleaning to surgery. The most frequent treatments are:
Deep dental cleaning -root planing scaling- is a non-surgical procedure to treat gingivitis and early periodontitis. During the procedure, plaque and tartar are cleaned from the teeth and tooth roots, killing disease-causing bacteria. The tooth root surfaces are then smoothed to prevent future buildup of plaque and tartar.
Another option is laser therapy, a non-surgical technique that removes plaque and tartar from the gums and teeth. It also stimulates the growth of new cells and tissues in the gums, helping to regenerate the periodontal structures affected by the disease.
Periodontal surgery is applied when periodontal disease has advanced. There are several types of periodontal surgery, such as pocket reduction, guided bone regeneration, and tissue grafting. The intervention may include procedures to restore bone and tissue that have been lost.
The prescription of antibiotics is an alternative to cure gum diseases, in combination with other treatment options.
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How to prevent periodontal diseases?
Smoking, consuming alcohol, or having a bad diet are factors that affect the prevalence of gum disease. Reducing its consumption will help in the prevention of periodontal diseases.
Regular visits to the dentist also contribute to good oral health and timely care for these diseases.
How to locate the best professional for gum care?
If symptoms of periodontal disease occur, it is important to seek professional help to prevent the progression of the disease and reduce the risk of oral health complications.
Consult our directory of dental professionals. There you will find different options that will allow you to choose the alternative that best suits your expectations.
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