Common Pediatric Dental Issues

Dental diseases in children

Common Pediatric Dental Issues

Dental diseases in children are frequent, and it is essential to pay attention to the signs to avoid more complex situations in the future.

Caries, dental crowding, supernumerary teeth, and gingivitis are some of the conditions that are regularly diagnosed in children.

Most frequent dental diseases in children

Dental caries:

Common Pediatric Dental Issues

It is a consequence of the accumulation of bacterial plaque that forms on the teeth and gums. If plaque is not removed by brushing and flossing, it can build up and cause tooth decay.

If a child has tooth decay, a visit to the dentist is necessary for the required treatment, which usually removes infected tooth tissue, and a dental filling is placed.

Babies are not exempt. A frequent diagnosis is baby bottle tooth decay, a consequence of continuous exposure of the baby to excessively sugary foods or drinks. Some of the practices that favor its appearance are dipping the pacifier in sugar or honey, letting it fall asleep with the bottle in its mouth, or not cleaning the baby’s gums daily.

Crowded Teeth:

Common Pediatric Dental Issues

This occurs when there is a lack of space in the mouth to accommodate all the permanent teeth. When permanent teeth start to grow, they can push and crowd together, which can cause the teeth to overlap or become crooked.

Sometimes treating crowded teeth requires removing one or more teeth to create more space in the mouth. An orthodontic device, such as braces or aligners, may also be used to help straighten the teeth and correct any crowding.

Sensitive teeth:

Common Pediatric Dental Issues

It is a common condition in children and adults that can be caused by several factors, such as exposure to hot or cold food and drinks, tooth decay, dental erosion, or brushing too hard.

To treat this condition, it is important to identify the underlying cause of the problem. It may be necessary to change the child’s diet or modify his brushing technique.

Supernumerary teeth:

Common Pediatric Dental Issues

These are extra teeth that grow in the mouth and can cause issues if left untreated. Dental crowding and bite difficulties are some consequences.

To treat supernumerary teeth, the extra tooth may need to be extracted.

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Crooked Teeth:

Common Pediatric Dental Issues

These are similar to crowded teeth, but instead of crowding together, the teeth can be tilted or twisted. This can be the result of issues in the development of the mouth or habits such as thumb sucking or using pacifiers for too long.

To treat crooked teeth, orthodontic procedures are applied. In some cases, it may be necessary to extract teeth to create more space in the mouth and allow the teeth to move into their correct position.


Common Pediatric Dental Issues

It is another consequence of bacterial plaque and is characterized by inflammation of the gums. It can be treated and prevented by good oral hygiene, including brushing and flossing.

If left untreated, gingivitis can progress to a more serious disease called periodontal disease, which can cause irreversible damage to the teeth and gums.

Dental injuries:

Common Pediatric Dental Issues

They are frequent in children. Broken, chipped teeth or teeth that have been knocked out of place are the most commonly seen. These situations require immediate attention.


Where to find adequate pediatric dentistry care?

Parental attention is important to identify dental difficulties that occur in children.

Prevention, timely treatment, and good oral hygiene are essential to maintain children’s dental health.

Our directory of dental professionals provides information on various specialists in pediatric dentistry. Consult it and select the option that meets your expectations.

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Common Pediatric Dental Issues
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Common Pediatric Dental Issues

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Common Pediatric Dental Issues

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