What is it, and why is it necessary?

Closeup of a removed tooth with extraction forceps on the pink disposable field in the background

Dental extractions are a common dental procedure performed to treat a variety of dental problems, such as impacted wisdom teeth, severe tooth decay, and gum disease.

Tooth extraction (exodontia) is a procedure that may be necessary for various reasons, such as advanced dental caries, periodontal disease, malpositioned teeth, tooth fracture, and lack of space in the mouth, among others.

Although in most cases an attempt is made to preserve the natural teeth, there are situations in which it is the only viable option to restore oral health and avoid major problems.

Extraction must be performed by a dentist with experience in this technique, with appropriate instruments and procedures to minimize pain, inflammation, and the risk of complications.

How is a dental extraction done?

Dental extractions

The first step is to assess the person’s dental status, as well as their medical history, to determine if extraction is feasible. In addition, dental X-rays are taken to check the condition of the roots and bones that support the teeth.

Once it is determined that tooth extraction is necessary, the dentist performs the procedure, for which local anesthesia is applied.

Upon completion of the extraction, the dentist sutures the gum area, if necessary, to help it heal.

What types of dental extraction exist?

Dental extractions

There are two types: non-surgical and surgical.

Non-surgical dental extraction is characterized by being quick and simple.

Surgical extraction has a more complex process that requires more time. Generally, it is performed to remove a tooth that is not easily accessible because it has not erupted or partially erupted. This intervention is also required when there is a fracture or the tooth broke below the gum line.

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What are the risks and complications of dental extraction?

Dental extractions

One of the frequent risks is infection of the affected area. This occurs if care instructions are not followed after the procedure or if you have poor oral hygiene.

Prolonged bleeding, swelling, and pain in the area of the intervention are also possible.

In very few cases, tooth extraction can impact the nerves near the tooth being removed. This can cause numbness or loss of feeling in the lips, tongue, or cheeks.

If the dental extraction is done improperly, it can leave fragments of teeth or roots inside the jaw, which can cause infection and pain.

What care should be taken with a dental extraction?

Dental extractions

It is important that your dentist be informed of any medical conditions you have before undergoing a tooth extraction.

People with diabetes, HIV, heart disease and arterial hypertension should inform the professional about this condition, before doing the extraction, since there is a greater risk of complications during or after the procedure, and it is necessary to take the pertinent measures to reduce these contingencies.

The dentist’s instructions should be followed to reduce the risk of complications and facilitate rapid healing.

It is necessary to avoid tobacco, alcohol, and the use of straws. Gently brush the extraction area during the days following the procedure.

Do not eat hard or sticky foods, and rinse your mouth with warm, salty water.


Do you need a tooth extraction? Find the right dentist

Tooth extraction is a frequent process that should be performed by an experienced professional. Our directory of dentists provides information on different quality care alternatives. Check out this tool and choose the best option.

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