Causes, Symptoms, and Treatments of Ranula:

A Detailed Overview

In this article, we will explain in detail what a ranula is, its diagnosis, and the various treatment options available.

A ranula is a rare but problematic oral condition that raises questions and concerns for those who suffer from it.

What are the Causes of Ranula?

It is important to mention that not all ranulas are related to any of these causes; many times, their specific origin is not clear.

When ranulas are large, they can cause problems with speaking, eating, and even breathing.

It is important to mention that not all ranulas are related to any of these causes.

What are the Types of Ranula?

1. Trauma to the salivary duct (most common cause)

2. Obstruction of the salivary duct due to stones or mucus plug

Mucoceles are small fluid-filled bumps that usually form on the lip or inside the mouth, often as a result of injury or trauma.

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