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Ranula is an oral condition that, although relatively uncommon, can cause significant discomfort to sufferers.

5 Comprehensive Treatment Options for Ranula That Are Effective

A ranula is a mucus-filled bump that appears on the floor of the mouth, under the tongue. It manifests itself as a bluish mass, is usually painless, and has a fluctuating consistency.

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What Causes a Ranula?

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Dashed Trail
Dashed Trail

The underlying causes of ranulas are diverse and include trauma to the salivary ducts, which is the most common cause, as well as mechanical obstructions.

The underlying causes of ranulas are diverse and include trauma to the salivary ducts, which is the most common cause, as well as mechanical obstructions, due to stones or mucus plugs.

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Curved Dotted Line
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White Dotted Arrow

What are the Types of Ranulas?

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White Scribbled Underline
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Oral or simple ranulas: They generally originate from trauma to the salivary glands, although this is not always the case. They are seen inside the mouth.

Oral or simple ranulas: They generally originate from trauma to the salivary glands, although this is not always the case. They are seen inside the mouth.

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White Dotted Arrow

What are the Treatments for Ranula

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Yellow Dots

A surgical approach is usually used to treat the condition, although less invasive procedures could be applied, according to the particular situation.

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Sewer system It is a treatment that is used as emergency management, in case the ranula is causing discomfort to the patient and definitive treatment is not possible at the time.

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Green Blob

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