5 Ways to Reduce Tooth Subluxation: Effective Injury Management

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Tooth subluxation can occur as a result of various situations such as a contingency during sports practice, a traffic accident and more.

Dental subluxation is a common injury, the result of a trauma or external force that impacts the mouth and causes a slight displacement of the tooth, without removing it from the socket.


What Types of Dental Subluxation are There?

The classification of the dental subluxation is essential to determine the treatment route to follow.

Extrusive type of dental sublaxation is the most common. In this case, the tooth moves outward, and an elongation of the tissues occurs.

Symptoms and Diagnosis of Tooth Subluxation

Pain, sensitivity, and mobility are frequent signs that warn of a dental subluxation.

The use of mouth guards during the practice of contact sports helps to cushion the blows and protect the teeth from possible trauma.


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