10 Tips for Fast Recovery: Tooth Extraction Healing Process

Situations where the tooth extraction healing process becomes the optimal therapeutic choice.

A serious dental infection, tooth fracture, dental crowding with impacted teeth – such as wisdom teeth – and the use of dental prostheses are situations that call for dental extraction.


What Happens Before a Tooth Extraction?     

A preparation process is necessary to guarantee the safety and success of the extraction intervention.

The first step is to anesthetize the intervention area. Later, with the help of specialized instruments, the dentist gently loosens the tooth and removes it from the socket.

What Care Should be Taken Before Dental Extraction?

To reduce the risks during the intervention and for a good prognosis, it is important to take into account some aspects.

The care required after the extraction allows the process to achieve the expected result. Some recommendations allow safe progress in this last stage of dental extraction.


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