Vitamin C Tips for Healthy Gums and Teeth: 5 Key Strategies

Vitamin C stands out not merely as an immune system enhancer but also as a critical element in promoting gum health.

Vitamin C is a key nutrient that boosts collagen production, ensuring your gums remain strong, flexible, and less prone to periodontal disease.


Vitamin C Supplementation for Gum Health

Vitamin C supplements are available as tablets, capsules, and powders.

Homemade Citrus Mouthwash: Squeeze the juice of a fresh orange or lemon into a cup of warm water. his simple DIY solution helps eliminate bad breath.

Risk and Considerations

It is recommended not to exceed the allowed daily levels, brush at least twice a day, and attend the dentist regularly.

Vitamin C-Enriched Smoothies: Blend together your favorite vitamin c-rich fruits with a natural yogurt or milk substitute, like almond milk.

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