Exploring 10 Causes Behind Sensitive Teeth and Biting Discomfort

Having sensitive teeth can make an activity as simple and everyday as eating become a bad experience.

Two layers of hard tissue, known as enamel and dentin, cover and protect soft tissue, called dental pulp. At the root, instead of enamel, there is called cementum.


Common Causes of Tooth Sensitivity or Biting Discomfort

There are many possible causes of dental hypersensitivity or pain. Swipe up to read more.

Cavities occur when there is poor dental hygiene, and the bacteria present in the mouth produce acids that destroy the enamel and dentin, leaving the dental pulp exposed.


Tips to Control Sensitive Teeth and Biting Discomfort

Swipe up to know the some tips that can help relieve tooth sensitivity and biting discomfort.

Toothpaste for tooth sensitivity: These products contain compounds that can seal the small dentinal canals that conduct temperature changes and generate sensitivity.

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