5 Proven Salt Water Treatments for Healthier Gums 

Salt water to heal gums is an effective and accessible practice that complements your oral care routine.

salt water to heal gums

Salt water is an ancient home remedy that has been used to treat various oral conditions because it stops the growth of bacteria.


The Science Behind Saltwater Rinses

The effectiveness of salt water rinses in curing inflamed gums and/or oral conditions is based on the scientific principle of osmosis.

Salt water rinses can soothe the bleeding and painful gums, helping to eliminate the accumulation of bacterial plaque and infections.

Effective Remedies with Salt Water to Heal Gums

Salt water rinses can soothe the bleeding and painful gums, helping to eliminate the accumulation of bacterial plaque and infections.

Duration and Frequency of rinses: It is recommended to do them 2 to 3 times a day, being most useful and beneficial after meals.


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