Signs of Pleomorphic Adenoma:  4 Key Symptoms to Recognize

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The most common benign tumor of the salivary glands is the pleomorphic adenoma.

A pleomorphic adenoma is the most common benign (non-cancerous) salivary gland tumor. It can originate in both the minor and major salivary glands.

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Who can have a Pleomorphic Adenoma?

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It has been found that 60% of cases of the disease occur in women.

Cases of the disease have been reported in patients between 20 and 72 years of age, being much more common in the fourth, fifth, and sixth decades of life.

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Where Can Pleomorphic Adenoma Appear?

It can appear especially frequently in the parotid glands, those found in the deep part of the cheeks that provide most of the saliva production.

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A pleomorphic adenoma that develops in this area usually manifests as a swelling on the cheek, in front of the ear.

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How To Diagnose a Person With Pleomorphic Adenoma?

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From the appearance of the disease, symptoms can appear within a few weeks.

The ideal treatment for pleomorphic adenoma involves surgery to completely remove the tumor, making sure to remove part of the tissue surrounding it to prevent its reappearance.

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