4 Essential Tips to Avoid Lossing Teeth During Pregnancy

How to prevent losing teeth during pregnancy?

Is it true that losing teeth during pregnancy is normal?

Is it true that pregnancy steals calcium from the teeth?

How to prevent tooth decay or losing teeth during pregnancy?

The best way to prevent the appearance of cavities is by adopting good hygiene habits.

The best way to prevent the appearance of cavities,  gum diseases and to avoid losing teeth during pregnancy is by adopting good hygiene habits.

What is Fluoride Application?

Fluoride is an element that, when applied by the dentist on the surface of the teeth

The consumption of healthy foods and the decrease in the intake of sugary foods and drinks not only reduces the risk of oral diseases but also favors the mother and baby’s health.

Dental Treatment During Pregnancy

Although dental treatment is considered safe at any time during pregnancy, the mother may feel more comfortable during the second trimester.

Taking dental x-rays during pregnancy is safe, as long as adequate protection with a lead apron covering the torso and neck is used.