8 Must-Know Damaging Effects: Ibuprofen and Oral Health

Learn about ibuprofen and oral health connections, how it relieves pain and reduces inflammation, and how to minimize potential risks.

Dental pain is one of the most intense types, prompting thousands of people to visit the dentist every year.


How does Ibuprofen Work?

The function of NSAIDs is to block or stop the production of certain chemicals (prostaglandins) in the body that causes inflammation, pain, and fever.

The function of ibuprofen is to block or stop the production of certain chemicals (prostaglandins) in the body that causes inflammation, pain, and fever.

When is it not Safe to use Ibuprofen?

Yes, it is safe to use it in low doses and for short periods, as long as you have a prescription.

The effects of the drug may vary, depending upon the condition of the patient: age, any systemic disease, pregnancy, and use of other medications.


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