Getting Rid of Gag Reflex:  5 Key Symptom

Does it have a function in the body? Is it possible to control this reflex? 

A gag reflex is also known as the vomiting, emesis, gagging, or gag reflex. It is a natural and involuntary reaction that contracts the muscles of the throat.


What are the Signs and Symptoms of a Gag Reflex?

Bad taste in the mouth, tearing eye and excessive saliva.

Several factors trigger this reflex. Physical or psychological situations may be linked to an episode of nausea

How to get Rid of Gag Reflex?

Some control actions that control a gag reflex: are deep, slow breathing, and taking small sips of water.

If you are vomiting, that is, A Gag Reflex is activated on some occasions, there is no cause for concern. If the frequency of these episodes is recurrent, it is necessary to consult the doctor.


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