5 Astonishing Effects of a High-Fiber Diet on Dental Health

“An apple a day keeps the doctor away”… and probably your dentist too. This old proverb has some truth to it.

A high-fiber diet is characterized by an emphasis on consuming foods rich in a complex compound called fiber, which is essential for promoting overall well-being.


Natural teeth cleaning

Fiber-rich foods, like fruits and vegetables, help with tooth cleaning. These foods have a firm texture that comes into close contact with the tooth surface as you chew.

Fibrous foods can increase salivation through the processes of chewing and taste. The act of chewing itself stimulates the salivary glands.

Lowers tooth decay rates

A high-fiber diet can reduce tooth decay rates by increasing saliva production, creating an alkaline environment that neutralizes acids in the mouth.

Overnight oats mixed with chia seeds turn into a pudding texture and you can add fresh fruits like a banana or apple.


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