5 Essential Symptoms of Dental Ankylosis

Dental ankylosis, also known as dentoalveolar ankylosis, is a condition in which the tooth is fused with the bone that supports it.

Dental ankylosis, also known as dentoalveolar ankylosis, is a condition in which the tooth is fused with the bone that supports it and thus remains immovable.


Causes of Dental Ankylosis

It may affect one or more teeth, being more common in the first deciduous (temporary) lower molars. 

One of the causes is a genetic factor. A birth defect that affects the proper development of dental tissues, such as the formation of the periodontal ligament.

Teeth in infraocclusion: Affected teeth appear shorter or smaller compared to neighboring teeth, as if they have not fully erupted.

Tooth dislocation: The tooth is firmly held with forceps and carefully moved in a gentle rocking motion, both back and forth and from side to side.

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