6 Detailed Causes of Itchy Gums & Tips For Fast Relieve

Dental health is often associated with having clean, white, and shiny teeth, but having healthy gums is also important.

Itchy gums can alert you to certain alterations in your oral health. Some causes are not a major problem, while others are serious diseases, such as periodontitis.


Common Causes of Itchy Gums

Gum disease is produced by the accumulation of food and bacteria on the surface of the teeth.

Often tooth eruption can be itchy. This is more common in babies, but it can also happen during wisdom teeth eruption.

How to Prevent Itchy Gums?

Maintain good oral hygiene Be sure to remove food debris from all dental surfaces.

If you have inflamed gums, a professional cleaning can remove the food plaque and bacteria that cause discomfort.


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