7 Key Tips to Identify Anorexia Teeth Appearance

In this article, we will discuss the effects of eating disorders on oral structures, anorexia teeth, and bulimia teeth.

White Frame Corner
White Frame Corner

Anorexia is characterized by severe self-restriction of food intake, resulting in a very low weight for height.


How do Eating Disorders Affect Teeth?

Many eating disorders involve behaviors that include vomiting, which causes damage to oral cavity structures such as teeth or soft tissues.

Dental erosion is a loss of dental tissue that is not mediated by bacteria, but is associated with damage to the structure of the teeth by contact with chemicals.


What are the Causes of Dental Erosion?

Dental erosions are frequently found in people who consume large amounts of citrus drinks or soda.

The best option for avoiding dental wear and salivation problems is to decrease repeated vomiting episodes and normalize eating behavior.

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