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Written by

Q.F. Nayibe Cubillos Morales


Medically Reviewed by

Dr. Gustavo Assatourians D.D.S

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Chipped Front Tooth Repair: How to Fix a Chipped Tooth

Having a perfect smile and healthy teeth is everyone’s desire, but sometimes, life presents us with unexpected challenges, such as a chipped front tooth. A chipped front tooth can happen in the blink of an eye, whether from an accident, a sports injury, or even biting down on something too hard. When this happens, concerns about aesthetic appearance and chipped front tooth repair become instant priorities.

In this article, we will fully explore the world of chipped teeth and guide you through the best options available for chipped front tooth repair. You will discover what to do in an emergency, how to prevent future damage, and, most importantly, how to restore the functionality and beauty of your smile.

Chipped Front Tooth Repair

When you break or chip a tooth, it is important to take quick action to prevent the problem from worsening and seek dental care as soon as possible. Here are some steps you can follow:

1. Wash your mouth: Rinsing your mouth with warm water can help remove any debris or loose particles.

2. Recover the fragments: If you can find the broken or chipped part of the tooth, store it in a clean container with some milk or saliva. Sometimes the dentist can reattach or repair the damaged part. However, it is important that you do not try to glue the fragment yourself, as this could make the situation worse.

3. Control pain: If you feel pain, you can take an over-the-counter pain reliever, following the directions on the package. This will help manage the pain temporarily, but a visit to the dentist is necessary to evaluate the need for additional treatments.

4. Avoid extremely cold or hot foods and drinks: Exposing the tooth to extreme temperatures could increase sensitivity and pain.

5. Avoid hard and sticky foods: While you wait for dental care, avoid eating foods that can further damage the tooth.

6. Cover the broken tooth: If the chip is large or if there is a sharp edge that could cut your tongue or the inside of your cheek, you can cover the tooth with a soft dental wax (used for patients with braces) or a piece of cotton to protect the tongue and teeth. lips.

7. Schedule a dental appointment: Call your dentist as soon as possible to schedule an appointment. It is important that a professional evaluate the severity of the damage and determine the best treatment. 

chipped front tooth repair

Immediate Care for a Chipped Tooth

Seeking immediate attention to chips in the front teeth is advisable, since, in many cases, depending on the location of the fracture, the dental pulp could be compromised, causing episodes of intense tooth sensitivity and pain. If you want to know more about toothaches, go to this article.

Additionally, finding emergency dental solutions for fractured incisors can determine the success of the treatment and the survival of the tooth in the mouth.

Depending on the extent of the tooth damage, the treatment will be variable. Emergency procedures may include a temporary resin restoration, placement of materials that protect the dental pulp to prevent sensitivity, or performing a root canal, in case of damage to the dental pulp.


Treatment Options for a Chipped Tooth

Restorative treatment for chipped teeth will vary depending on the extent of the damage. Options range from dental fillings to crowns, although in cases of severe trauma tooth extraction and placement of an implant may be necessary.

Remember that it is essential to seek immediate dental care, as the time that passes before receiving treatment can affect the possibility of saving the tooth and minimizing complications. Never try to repair a broken tooth yourself, as this could make the situation worse.

tooth extraction

Preventive Measures to Avoid Future Fractures

When it comes to fractures in front teeth, there is no better ally than caution. Take note of the following care to prevent fracture of front teeth:

1. Remember that your teeth should only be used for chewing: Avoid using them to hold objects or uncover containers.

2. Use dental guards: If you practice high-impact or speed sports, consult your dentist about making dental guards to protect your teeth during activities such as football, hockey, or cycling.

3. Avoid biting into hard foods: Be careful when biting into hard foods, such as hard candy, whole apples, or nuts. Cut foods into smaller pieces to reduce pressure on your front teeth.

4. Correct existing dental problems: If you have crooked teeth or an improper bite, consider orthodontic treatment to correct these problems. Aligned teeth and a proper bite reduce the risk of fractures.

Consultation with a Cosmetic Dentist

Cosmetic dentists are specialists in restoring the aesthetics and function of front teeth. After performing a proper examination and diagnosis, our dentists will be able to provide you with cosmetic solutions to repair your front teeth that are appropriate for your case.

Frequently Asked Questions

How long does it take to repair a chipped front tooth?

In most cases, applying a composite resin filler takes about 20 to 30 minutes in total. In the case of a dental crown, the initial preparation takes about an hour, usually followed by a second visit for placement of the permanent crown in case of more extensive chips or breaks in the tooth.

After the procedure, it is advisable to avoid consuming dark-colored foods and drinks for the first 48 hours, as the adhesive material may stain during this period. It is also advisable to avoid biting into very hard foods, ice cubes, and solid objects to prevent possible chips in the adhesive. Additionally, it is recommended to schedule regular checkups and cleanings with an affordable dentist to maintain optimal dental health.

Without proper professional care, a broken tooth runs the risk of developing an infection that will worsen over time. This infection can spread to the neck and head, which can cause various health problems. Although rare, a chipped tooth can be life-threatening.

Although you may not initially experience pain when your tooth is damaged, it is important that you do not waste time and schedule an appointment with your dentist right away. Delaying or even skipping this appointment could result in possible infection and irreparable damage to the broken or chipped tooth.



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4. Fain, W. D. (2021). Tooth fractures and cracks. Journal of the American Dental Association (1939), 152(6), 423–424.

5. Martin, C. (Mar 9, 2022). How to fix a chipped tooth. Verywell Health.

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