3 Effective Treatments for Dental Granuloma Explained

The human body has developed multiple strategies to defend itself against infections.

A dental granuloma is a benign (non-cancerous), slow-growing mass composed of immune cells that forms when the body tries to isolate foreign substances that it has not been able to eliminate.

What Causes Periapical Granuloma?

Periapical granuloma is caused by an infection that is located inside the tooth, usually a necrotic pulp.

Usually, periapical granuloma is slow-growing, so there are no symptoms. Occasionally, the patient may perceive a different sensation when chewing, but this is not usually associated with pain.

What is the Treatment for Dental Granuloma?

The specialist responsible for treating periapical granulomas is the endodontist.

It is best to consult with an oral health professional who will explain the most appropriate options for eliminating the cause and promoting the healing of the bone surrounding the tooth.

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